The Canon of Scripture

Wherein is our test of inspiration? It is this, if God is the author superintending His revealed word, there can be no contradiction in message or doctrine. There are at least forty different men used over a 2,000-year period from several different continents and many different backgrounds. Many of the writers never knew the other writers or the books of the Bible they wrote. With that kind of diversity it is amazing there is not one contradiction in doctrine or message.

Josh McDowell in his excellent apologetic, Evidence that Demands a Verdict, illustrates this amazing continuity.

A representative of the Great Books of the Western World came to my house recruiting salesmen for their series. He spread out the chart of the Great Books of the Western World series. He spent five minutes talking to us about the Great Books of the Western World series and we spent an hour and half talking to him about the Greatest Book.

I challenged him to take just 10 of the authors, all from one walk of life, one generation, one place, one time, one mood, one continent, one language and just one controversial subject (the Bible speaks on hundreds with harmony and agreement).

Then I asked him: “Would they (the authors) agree?” He paused and then replied, “No!” “What would you have?” I retorted. Immediately he said, “A conglomeration.”

Two day later he committed his life to Christ (the theme of the Bible).

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