The Existence of God Part One

If theology is the study of God, then it is only right that we begin with the existence of God. But how does a man know an invisible God exists? If we cannot see Him or hear His voice, how do we know He is real? In other words, if God is not discovered by the senses, then how can we be so sure He really exists?

This lesson is about that very question. The atheist asserts that there is no God because there is no empirical data to prove His existence. But when did empirical data become the standard by which all reality is determined? Since you cannot drag God into a laboratory and conduct experiments that conclusively prove His being, should you conclude He does not exist? Some invisible realities of our universe cannot be empirically tested, but are nonetheless believed by the law of cause and effect. The wind has never been placed in a test tube or dissected under a microscope but its effects are witnessed and tested. And what about human emotions? How do you test emotional validity? How does one prove the existence of love empirically? You cannot. But the absence of empirical data does not eliminate the belief in love or its awesome power.

Because God cannot be reduced to the experiments of a laboratory does not mean God’s existence is not believable or knowable. The Lord God can be known. His presence can be experienced. One does not have to sink to the depths of ignorance to believe in God. However, to not believe in Him, you must sink to ignorance’s lowest level. The Bible says that only the fool says there is no God. No matter the level of education received or the degrees earned, one who denies God has completely rejected reality and logic. To do so is insanity.

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