How to Study Gods Word

The following is a run down of wonderful tools to help you increase your understanding of the Bible.


There are numerous translations of the Scriptures, and more being produced, as well as study bibles. Study bibles seem more diverse than ever before with every kind of person or segment of our society having one. The question is not, which is the best study Bible? But what is a translation that is faithful to the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts but reads well in English? Let me suggest several.

1.  The King James Version—As far as being a reliable and faithful text of Scripture, the King James is still one of the best. The only problem with the Authorized Version (as it is also called) is that it is at best an updated Elizabethan English version that has become almost like another language to most modern Americans. The sentence structure, as well as some words of this style, is foreign to most people 50 and younger.

2.  The New King James Version—This translation is my favorite. I love the poetic rhythm of the old King James, but the New King James still reads with a lyrical smoothness using language that is more like our modern English. Its translation accuracy is very high, as high as any modern translation. This is the version that I use for most of my personal study, memorization, and meditation.
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