The Canon of Scripture


With confidence you can read the Bible knowing you are reading God’s Word. The Lord has preserved its content so the reader may be assured he or she has the word of God. God has spoken. He has revealed Himself to mankind. He does not try to prove His existence. All He does is state His existence and lets man determine what he shall do in response to God’s revelation. This lesson does not bother to go into the overflowing amount of proofs and arguments proving the truthfulness and accuracy of the Bible. Not because they are weak and fallible. Quite the contrary! The arguments for the truthfulness of the Bible are exceptional and any reasonable person would see them to be. The reason for not going this route is because God doesn’t. The Bible does not try to prove its veracity. It simply states that we should deal with its message as it is. The facts can speak for themselves. It is this lesson’s aim to give sufficient proof that the Bible that has been canonized and accepted by the evangelical world is indeed God’s Holy Word.


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