Sharing Your Faith

2.  Indiscriminately share truth with people.

Watch how people react and based upon their reactions you aim your efforts at those who show any interest in learning what you have learned. Remember the parable of the sower of the seed. He was not particular about where he sowed his seed. He threw it out everywhere. Jesus commanded us to preach the gospel to every creature. Just broadcast the gospel by word, tract, or CD. Purposely speak about what you are learning about the Lord or what things He is doing in your life. If those to whom you speak do not seem interested, then move out and cast seed on other ground. Don’t keep pouring seed on ground that is not ready to hear or will not hear. Go somewhere else and sow seed until you see seed germinate. Once you see someone who is interested, then cultivate what you have planted. I mean by that, start investing your life into them. You have found a disciple.

Remember there are only two things you need to disciple someone: First, be a disciple yourself and second, find someone who doesn’t know what you know and is eager to learn. All you need to know is a little more than the person you are teaching.

3.  Give yourself to your disciple.

You can do this four ways.

The first way to give yourself to your disciple is to open up the door of your heart and let them in. You give them your heart and soul so they can observe it in order to catch it. They must catch your heart as well as your brain. Discipleship is much more informal than we think.
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