Sharing Your Faith

Here is your motivation for evangelism—the glory of God. If you and I have this as our primary passion we will be ready to witness; without it we will not.

09 - ChapterThree-Worship
You were saved to worship. Worship is the adoring, the revering, and the honoring of God. How can you worship something and not value it? You cannot. How can you worship and praise something and not find some type of pleasure from it? Isn’t it true that those we show honor we have found some type of pleasure and delight in them and their achievements? If then we worship and praise the Lord it must mean that we find no greater delight or pleasure in any other but Him.

But worship cannot remain private. The full joy of praise is more than an inner feeling. It must eventually express itself otherwise joy remains incomplete. The expression of praise is the highest form of adoration. It is joy at its fullest.

Let’s suppose your son or daughter earned an outstanding award for some important achievement. Will your joy in your child refuse to express itself or will your joy not be its happiest until you tell somebody? Your sense of joy cannot be satisfied until you tell someone. That is the same principle behind worship.

This is why evangelism is about worship. You witness because your joy in Christ cannot be silenced. You so delight in Him that your joy is not complete until you are expressing it to others. There is no greater reason for why we witness. The question is do you love the Lord to the degree that you want others to experience the same joy you have in Him? Is He really your God whom you treasure above all your other treasures that you must speak of Him? Will your joy not let you be quiet?
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